We eyelash香港美睫學院
投訴政策和程序 Complaints handling policy
We Eyelash is committed to provide a conducive and supportive learning experience and environment to all students. We shall handle all reports of Complaints/Grievances/Feedback with strict confidence. Such information will only be made available to authorized personnel on a need’s basis.
A complaint is when you tell us you are not happy about the service we provide. It can be about anything and could include:
When we do not deliver a course as promised
When we give you the wrong information
When you receive a poor-quality teaching
When you have a problem with a tutor/member of staff
When you feel there is a health and safety issue
We welcome student’s feedback, complaints, comments, and suggestions. If you would like to make one or need to complaint, you should follow this procedure:
The student shall take up the matter or seek assistance from his/her within five (5) working days of its occurrence.
The student can complete the Grievances/Feedback Form and submit it to our Administration Office, or he/she can speak or email us
The principal of the Academy shall assign an investigating staff to respond to the student’s grievance within five (5) working days. The investigating staff shall provide an opportunity for full discussion of the grievance with the aggrieved student.
Investigating staff will report status of complaint and investigation to Principal. Thereafter, the Principal will meet up with the student to inform the outcome of the investigation and to discuss on the solutions. This process shall be completed within fourteen (14) working days.
If you are still unhappy with the decision taken by We Eyelash in reviewing the complaint, you have the right to request for your appeal or complaint to be investigated by an independent panel.
In situations where a complaint has been successful and indicates a failure in our part, we will as appropriate, take actions such as:
Take immediate actions to stop and eliminate the failure.
Implement the right solution to rectify the failure.
Ensure that the failure does not recur in the future.